Vegan Brownie Recipe


  • 1 cup of absolute organic almond meal⁠
  • 1/2 cup of absolute organic cacao powder⁠
  • 1 cup of absolute organic coconut sugar⁠
  • 1 tsp baking powder⁠
  • 2 egg replacement (or 2 eggs for non-vegan option)⁠
  • 1/2 cup your preferred milk⁠
  • 1/4 cup absolute organic maple syrup⁠
  • 3 tablespoons of absolute organic peanut butter⁠
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract (optional)⁠
  • 1/4 cup absolute organic chocolate chips and a few drops on top ⁠


  1. Prepare the eggs if necessary

  2. Preheat the oven to 180°c and line a loaf pan with baking paper

  3. Set aside

  4. In a large bowl, combine all powder ingredients well

  5. Blend in the peanut butter and the egg replacement

  6. Add in the chocolate chips and stir

  7. Transfer mixture to the lined pan and spread out using a spatula

  8. Drop some extra chocolate chips on top and bake it for about 40-45 minutes, or until the edges have crisped up

  9. Serve it warm or cold and enjoy with some fresh fruit or ice cream! ⁠

  10. Notes: want to make homemade eggs? check our recipe in our blog www

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