

  • 3 large aubergines
  • 3 tbsp tahini
  • 2 fat cloves of garlic
  • handful of fresh parsley
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • za’atar, sumac & pine nuts to garnish


  1. Pre heat the oven to 180C

  2. Cut the aubergine in half & heavily salt the flesh, leave for 15 mins & then wipe away the brown water that surfaces

  3. Drizzle with oil, salt & pepper & then wrap up in foil along with the garlic & chuck in the oven for 45 mins to an hour so it all gets very soft

  4. Once soft, take out & leave to cool a while

  5. In a processor add all the ingredients & process until its a smooth consistency, if you like it to be softer add a little water

  6. Check for seasoning & then garnish with za’atar, sumac & pine nuts & enjoy

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