Creamy Vegan Mushroom & Butternut Squash Delight


Creamy No Cream Sauce

  • 2 tbsp hummus
  • 2 tsp tahini
  • Juice of 1/2 lime or lemon
  • 1 tsp soy sauce
  • 1/2 tsp black/white pepper
  • Handful of chopped parsley
  • 1 tsp smoked paprika

Mushrooms & Butternut Squash

  • 100g mushrooms, cut into quarters
  • 80g butternut squash, cubed
  • 1 spring onion, chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, sliced
  • Handful of chopped fresh parsley
  • 1 tbsp olive oil


For the Creamy No Cream Sauce

  1. Add all the sauce ingredients to a small mixing bowl.

  2. Mix together until well combined. You can add a splash of water to loosen the mixture if desired.

For the Mushrooms & Butternut Squash

  1. Microwave the cubed butternut squash for 1 minute or until soft, or steam for 8-10 minutes.

  2. In a pan over medium heat, add the olive oil.

  3. Add the garlic and spring onions to the pan and fry for 2 minutes.

  4. Add the mushrooms and cubed butternut squash, and fry for 3-4 minutes.

  5. Add the creamy no cream sauce mixture and the remaining parsley to the pan.

  6. Stir until everything is well combined.

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