Scalloped Potatoes
- 2 tablespoon plant butter
- 1,5 cup of plant milk
- 1 cup vegetables broth
- 2 tablespoon flour
- 700g. potatoes
- salt and pepper
- thyme
- 1/2 onion
- * 1 clove of garlic
Preheat the oven at 200c. (390f)
Finely wash and chop the potatoes in thin slices. Chop onion and garlic too. Prepare the vegetables broth and mix together with milk
Add some plant butter in a saucepan, add onion + garlic and cook at medium heat. Add flour in the saucepan while stirring. Slowly add the mix of vegetable broth and milk and keep stirring. Let it simmer at low-medium heat until creamy and thick
Add some butter in the bottom of a oven-baked tray. Place all the potato slices in the tray and cover with the saucepan creme. Bake in 70 minutes until colorful and golden. Decorate with fresh thyme, salt and pepper on top