Compressed Pear, Baked Almond ‘Feta’ & Pomegranate Molasses Salad


  • the almond feta i’ll put the recipe below?⁣
  • almond feta ✨⁣
  • 1 cup blanched almonds ⁣
  • 3 tbsp lemon juice⁣
  • 1 tsp lemon zest ⁣
  • 4-7 tbsp water ⁣
  • soak almonds for a few hours. ⁣
  • drain and blend with lemon juice, oil, water + salt. ⁣


  1. You can choose how smooth/creamy you want it. I made it 4 times and I preferred the more course texture therefore less blended. It’s okay if you add too much water to help blend it because you put it in a cheese cloth bag thing and let the excess water drain out without squeezing it too much. Allow it to drain over a sieve for a while - in the fridge is ideal. It should be firmer & you are able to put into a baking dish with parchment & a dash of oil & be able to shape it into a circle/square. Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes until golden. ⁣

  2. So the thing is - I read recipes online and realized I didn’t have that amount of time in my exam to soak the nuts and set in the fridge so instead I soaked the nuts in boiling water for 20 min and I skipped the draining liquid part & just put the mix into a baking dish and it worked out well soooo you’re choice if you have time to do it properly

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