These guys took 50-60 minutes in a 425 degree oven. For 6-8 palm-sized potatoes
i cut into big bite size pieces and tossed them with olive oil
sea salt
and about 1 teaspoon of each paprika
dried oregano
dried thyme & garlic powder. Flipped them around 3-4 times during cooking. I wasn’t planning on making potatoes
but these guys were growing “eyes” (those little bubbly sprouts that start popping up on potatoes that are turning). I don’t peel potatoes before roasting but I did take a peeler to any visible “eyes” on the spuds
they can be mildly toxic (nothing to fret about
they’re super easy to remove and the rest of the potato is totally fine). Also
parchment paper isn’t always necessary when roasting
but for roasting potatoes I find parchment to be essential
or perhaps a non-stick baking sheet would be fine
but I don’t use non-stick cookware (I don’t trust the coating). Choose an unbleached parchment paper that’s also compostable! #planteater #veggielife #roastedpotatoes #healthyish #homefries #tatertot