Spinach Soup


  • 1 pint grape tomatoes
  • 1 stalk celery
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 orange
  • 4 cups baby spinach
  • 2 basil leaves or a few sprigs of cilantro
  • 1⁄2 avocado (optional)


  1. Blend the tomatoes, celery, and garlic with the juice of 1 orange until smooth

  2. Add the spinach by the handful until completely incorporated

  3. Add the basil and the avocado (if desired), and blend

  4. Serve and enjoy immediately!

  5. I openly admit that when i first changed my lifestyle and adapted many of the suggestions by @medicalmedium this spinach soup was the hardest newbie for my palate

  6. I thought it tasted like grass! not that i generally eat grass but i guess what i thought grass might taste like

  7. Anywayssss

  8. After some time, my palate begin to change and now i really love this soup

  9. I like to spiralize cucumbers and pour the raw soup over the top!

  10. I add extra garlic as you can imagine and i like to add extra basil and celery as well

  11. I generally don’t add avocado but i imagine it would make it very creamy and delicious

  12. Pro tip: if you pick up your bowl and slurp it out of the side, you will get an epic spinach stashe! playing with your food is almost as important as what you select fyi!

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