Delicious Anti-Cancer Salad
- 10-12 big leaves of kale
- 1 pomegranate
- 2 apples
- 3/4 cup raw almonds
- 2 Tbsp Bragg Liquid Aminos
- 1 cup of sliced grapes ✨Dressing
- 3 Tbsp Bragg Liquid Aminos
- 3 Tbsp hemp oil
- 3 Tbsp of lemon juice
- 1 tsp mustard (ingredient should read
- Salt & pepper
Wash and dry the kale
Remove the stems and use a food processor or mini chopper to chop the kale into a very fine texture
You can use a sharp knife
Prepare pomegranate and cut the apple into thin boats and mix all of it it with the kale
Make the dressing by stirring everything thoroughly together and season to taste
Stir everything together and serve
This salad is great the next day and even the day after that