Smashed Potatoes & Salad


  • potatoes
  • garlic


  1. Preheat over to 420°

  2. Steam baby potatoes approximately 20-25 minutes

  3. Let potatoes cool a bit so they’re not so hot they burn your fingers to touch

  4. While cooling, line a cooling sheet with parchment paper

  5. Mince several cloves of garlic and add a spit of avo oil to the garlic and mix

  6. Smash potatoes with a fork but squish them together if they get too flat or separated

  7. Top potatoes with garlic and any herbs you desire

  8. Pop sheet in the oven for 30 minutes

  9. Toss them on your salad or just eat them alone

  10. You can top them with sauces or vegan butter if you like

  11. I love the flavor and texture as is

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