Baked #Salad for Dinner


  • Baked #salad for dinner. Diced a medium sweet potato and baked it on parchment paper for about 10 minutes at 400F until it was almost down roasting. Topped the potatoes with frozen broccoli and diced pieces of tempeh that were tossed with a little low sodium shoyu and baked for an additional 10 minutes. I took some chopped collard greens at this point and sprinkled them on top of everything
  • placing the whole tray back in the oven for 5 more minutes until the greens wilted slightly. I tossed all of the ingredients together when they came out of the oven and when I played it I added some very flavorful guacamole. If you haven't guessed I'm pretty obsessed with tempeh
  • broccoli and sweet potato. I could have it every day if I wanted. My favorite part is that this involves very little clean up afterwards. The perfect meal for a busy day. Using the parchment paper makes this an #oilfree meal

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